ProNewTech was commissioned by Microtis to develop the GDPR file including the company's private data processing register as well as that of the H2H company and is in charge of describing the various processing operations.
Microtis also called upon the services of a ProNewtech GDPR consultant for the definition of a new application making the GESPER suite's human resources management software tools compliant with the notions of GDPR IT tools <compliant by Design> and GDPR <compliant by Default>. The Dashboard developed on the basis of ProNewTech recommendations allows partial information or the entirety of former employees to be deleted, data leaks to be signalized via mail, activities linked to GDPR processing to be logged, etc.

Total - DPO Consultancy
Total Luxembourg mandated a ProNewTech expert as external DPO to meet the needs and carry out the missions required by the GDPR.
ProNewTech is composed of a multidisciplinary team of experts specialized in data security and protection, bringing to Total :
Comprehensive expertise in data protection practices applied to Total's businesses,
A transversal approach including legal, organisational, technical and IT security specificities,
Respect for the principles of independence and non conflict of interest,
The intervention of a regularly trained professional DPO

Visual Online - DPO compliance and monitoring file
Visual Online provides internet provider, telephony, television, domain name assignment and server hosting services for many clients. The personal data of these customers are used regularly to be able to carry out these services. Visual Online decided to call upon ProNewTech to control the conformity of the various flows and to advise on the possible improvements in order to guarantee the respect of the GDPR regulation.

ACL - GDPR compliance file
ProNewTech's information security and data protection experts assisted the ACL in addressing the GDPR's legal, security and governance technical requirements. The exhaustive inventory of data processed (processing register, processing mapping) has been finalised. Internal training, user consent requests and descriptions of the purposes of the processing have been carried out.

Wengler - GDPR compliance file and DPO consultancy
Wengler Châteaux et Domaines, specialised in the sale of fine wines, champagnes and noble digestives in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, has both restaurant and private customers. ProNewTech S.A. has been mandated to support the implementation of the necessary solutions to comply with applicable data protection law. This challenge consisted in analysing, describing and developing an action plan for the various personal data processing operations defined: management of recruitment applications, personal databases concerning employees, customers, on-site monitoring systems and ICT security systems protecting the data. ProNewTech also carries out the DPO mission with this client, which it will support and advise in order to monitor the evolution of the register and files and respond to external requests for the protection of personal data.