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Our Methodology

ProNewTech is a Luxembourg-based consulting / engineering company whose know-how is built around several areas of expertise:


  • Audit of the existing system - Audit of the current situation of the information and communication system i.e. 


  • Gap analysis and strategy definition - Definition of technical and functional needs, proposal for improving the information and communication system, definition of strategies and establishment of an implementation budget.


  • Definition of a concept / architecture : Modeling the architecture of networks and collaboration systems in compliance with organizational constraints and standards.


  • Tendering: Production of tender documents (RFP specifications, general clauses, mass list).


  • Coordination of tendering procedures: Launching of the request for proposals, coordination / technical assistance to tenderers, detailed technical and financial evaluation analysis of the tenders received. Formulation of recommendations and proposal for tender adjudication.


  • Implementation monitoring: Coordination and monitoring of the implementation phase - site visits, coordination with integrators - assistance in the implementation of maintenance processes and SLA contracts, BCP concept testing and final acceptance with the customer, knowledge transfer. Monitoring and control of planning and budget.


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