Datacenter and Cloud Computing
ProNewTech professionals are at your disposal to create optimized Cloud IT environments, taking into account the needs of new server virtualization concepts within data centers and the need to reduce energy consumption.
Our audit, consulting, design and implementation management services of IT rooms, server rooms and data centers allows the control of budgets and schedules by integrating all the technical and engineering work packages. To design your data center, we use collaborative building information modeling tools (BIM, Building Information Modeling).
The techniques generally encountered in the assembly of IT rooms are diverse :
Development and space optimization of Datacentre
Electricity,"No Break"generator sets, inverters (A. S. I. /UPS), transformer substations, TGBT, high availability electrical distribution, Electricity, Busbar.
Air conditioning - HVAC- air treatment, ventilation, high-density rack chillers, chilled water production units, free cooling, hygrometry and filtration control.
Security Fire detection and extinguishing (inert and natural gas, etc.) GTC, GTB, GTA, water detection in false floor, intrusion detection, sound detection, movement, door opening, variation detection, Amps., temperature, air flow, video surveillance, access control.
Facility Management (Building) Walls and fire doors, Normal and RF partitions, technical false floor, false ceiling, sheathing, locksmith's, joinery, painting, etc...
Supervision via complete and real-time infrastructure monitoring, monitoring of power consumption, alarms and technical faults, display of curves and videos following events for analysis.
Structured Network Wiring Special Techniques - Computer and Telephony, Racks
ProNewTech met à votre disposition une équipe avec un Senior Consultant unique qui depuis plus de 20 ans intervient au niveau de ce type de réalisations. Une approche et une offre globale vous garantissent une cohérence de votre projet, ainsi qu’une maîtrise des délais et des coûts. En qualité de contractant général et de part nos contrats d’assurance Responsabilité Civile et Décennale spécialement adaptés, la prise en compte spécifique de ce type d’opérations est garantie.
Cloud Computing
ProNewTech designs architectures for its customers that have a number of elements that motivate one technological choice over another. In the case of cloud computing, these elements have not been fixed for a particularly long period of time and are clearly not fixed at deadlines beyond the medium term. The relative novelty of cloud computing, software as a service (SAAS) and public or private networks as a service (PNAAS) concepts motivates us as architecture designers to ask a number of questions.
Cloud computing can be represented in three main components - one, two or all three of which can be combined :
IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) : The IaaS model consists of the availability of a hosted IT infrastructure. Access to the resource is complete and unrestricted, effectively equivalent to the provision of a real physical infrastructure. For example, a company can rent Linux, Windows or other servers, which will actually run in a virtual machine from the IaaS provider.
PaaS (Platform as a Service) : The PaaS model consists of providing a ready to use, functional and high-performance environment, including in production; the hosted infrastructure is completely transparent. For example, a PaaS platform can be a development and test environment.
SaaS (Software as a Service) : concerns enterprise applications: CRM, collaborative tools, messaging, BI, ERP,... The SaaS model allows externalizing an application to a third party. This model is suitable for certain categories of applications that need to be globally the same for everyone, standardization is one of the principles of the cloud. SaaS is a service in the sense that the supplier sells an operational function, not technical components that require IT skills for the user.
If a client wishes to make a choice based on an integrated architecture within any cloud, ProNewTech experts are responsible for guiding its client in the following areas:
How can the interoperability of enterprise applications and services delivered across non-transparent cloud infrastructures be guaranteed in terms of application and data recovery ?
What types of Webaps are to be migrated at the level of these shared infrastructures ?
What kind of data center infrastructure is best for you ?
What types of information are accessible in the Cloud ?
Who can access it and how is the data isolated from non-secure elements ?
Which data should not leave the company (GDPR) ?
How to send sensitive data ? Clear or encrypted data or blockchain use?
Is it demonstrating CSR if the choice to use private or public cloud services and applications is decided ?
What is the return on investment of such approaches ?
The Cloud knows no borders ! Customers should therefore be ensured that :
the supplier complies with regulations such as the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
the Cloud service provider agrees to comply with external audit procedures such as those of the CSSF in Luxembourg.
Cloud computing with third-party access and ScaleUp technologies that share computing power and storage capacity reduces or eliminates the need for physical servers within your organization's data center - this new technology may even eliminate the need to run an enterprise data center.
A Cloud service provider can build certified energy efficient data centers using the latest hardware technologies, data center design will be able to cover computing capacity requirements and thus relieve any company of the burden and cost of operating their own facilities.
The IT resources used according to actual consumption needs will be adjusted according to demand to meet the cloud computing provider's requirements to cover peaks. The number of Cloud service provider customers will share physical server resources - either in one location or at multiple sites. As a result, the processing power of Software as a Service (SaaS) applications will now be concentrated in energy-efficient data centers. If these servers in the data centers additionally use virtualization technologies across the entire infrastructure a CPU usage of more than 85 percent becomes potentially imaginable and a more efficient rate of return with a low PUE result becomes achievable. A favorable PUE value leads to better energy efficiency and is therefore to be considered as a more environmentally friendly environment ("green").
ProNewTech therefore recommends the use of clouds and application virtualization for the sustainable development of our planet :
The Cloud model helps to reduce the underutilization of IT resources. According to several studies, a company server in conventional mode is used on average for 10% of the time but remains permanently connected, consuming a large quantity of useless electricity and occupying space. In Cloud mode, the same application or application service will run on shared resources. The application's "standby" times allow the allocation of computing resources to other applications. The number of shared resources required to perform the tasks decreases, which logically affects a decrease in the manufacture of computer hardware. These server resources are very expensive in terms of raw materials (water), harmful (lead, arsenic, mercury and zinc oxide) and precious (gold).
The dimensioning of a dedicated IT infrastructure is logically based on its peak loads. In Cloud mode, the reasoning is based on smoothing between several users, which always allows a gain.
New Cloud infrastructures can "disconnect" some of their physical components themselves in the event of global underutilization (e. g. at night or on weekends): this is called scaling-down, which can be managed automatically without compromising the availability of the applications themselves.
Cloud infrastructures are low-power, standardized and energy-efficient, which optimizes their layout and cooling.
Based on our experience, the four factors will lead to savings in electricity consumption of around 50%.
Cloud Design covers the entire perimeter of a cloud project :
Audit of technical and business requirements, taking into account IT investments already made
Developing a Cloud Infrastructure Model
Development of an implementation plan (costs, deployment, testing, operation, service lifecycle management, governance and support)
Responsiveness, flexibility
Protection of the client's interests
Knowledge of local and international service providers and independence from them
Multidisciplinary skills (IT, fixed and mobile telephony, cybersecurity)
Proven methodology and proven experience
Control of budgets and planning
Continuous technological and competitive intelligence