General Data Protection

The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) regulate the processing and circulation of personal data.
It applies to any company or administration, whatever its size, processing personal data (on its own account or not), as soon as it is established in the territory of the European Union or its activity targets European citizens.
The Regulation came into force on May 25, 2018, it requires all organizations to comply to meet its various requirements.
Henceforth, the rights of the persons concerned are strengthened, in return, new obligations appear for companies and administrations. The power of the supervisory authorities have been extended, with an entity present in each country of the Union (CNPD in Luxembourg), these authorities can now sanction any organization which does not comply with the GDPR.
Companies and administrations must be able, always, to demonstrate their compliance.
ProNewTech's experts commit, through several types of services, to support the various organizations in terms of personal data protection:
Why should you trust the ProNewTech team?
ProNewTech is your partner approved by the CNPD as Data Protection Officer since 2009.
A team of legal experts and engineers specializing in data protection and cybersecurity will meet your needs and requirements.
Our team of dynamics and motivated legal experts is very responsive and available immediately.
Thanks to its controlled cost and pragmatic approach, ProNewTech will allow you to make savings.